When is the right time to engage workplace bullying support?

When is the right time to engage workplace bullying support?

Work Safe Australia’s recent report presents data that shows workplace mental health injury claims are increasing in relation to both lost time at work and cost. Money that could be used in achieving your business goals or keeping you clients or customers happy is...
On the rise – Workcover mental health claims are up

On the rise – Workcover mental health claims are up

The numbers are going up in relation to workplace mental health and it is not in a good way for businesses around Australia. Safework Australia has recently released it’s 2017-18 statistical report on Workers Compensation and the trends are not healthy when it comes...
Have you walked in the shoes of an accused workplace bully?

Have you walked in the shoes of an accused workplace bully?

What’s it like to walk in the shoes of an accused workplace bully? Can we find empathy for that employee? Or is it someone who has been labelled and the mud has been well and truly smeared all over them? If we explore this question from a research base, it is...