“He doesn’t say hello to me. I’m being bullied!”

“He doesn’t say hello to me. I’m being bullied!”

What do you do if a team member refuses to greet another at work? Should you do anything? Is not saying “hello” really a sign of bullying? I once had two team members who were in conflict. One of the employees, let’s call him Jim, would come in to work,...
Fined $116250 – Director and company fined for bullying

Fined $116250 – Director and company fined for bullying

Worksafe Victoria has taken action resulting in a $116250 fine for Director, John Moncrieff, and his security company, Monjon Australia. The fine was metered out in the Broadmeadows Magistrates Court after he pleaded guilty for failing to provide a safe workplace...
How does your industry fare in the workplace bullying stakes?

How does your industry fare in the workplace bullying stakes?

Superfriends recently released their 2018 Thriving Workplaces Survey Report providing us with a snapshot of workplace mental health and wellbeing across Australia. As would not come as a surprise to many of you, my attention was drawn to the information relating to...
Where is your company placed in the workplace bullying growth cycle?

Where is your company placed in the workplace bullying growth cycle?

Workplace bullying prevention and management is, like most things in life, a process of learning and growth. In my experience at the present time, different companies and businesses are all in different stages of the workplace bullying learning and growth cycle. Some...
“I’m a bully? That’s your subjective opinion.”

“I’m a bully? That’s your subjective opinion.”

Last week I had a conversation with an employer who raised an issue of bullying type behaviours with one of their employees. The employer told me, that when he raised the behaviours of concern, the employee responded with a denial that they had been using bullying...