Workplace Manslaughter Laws Effective 1 July 2020

Workplace Manslaughter Laws Effective 1 July 2020

As of July 1st, new industrial manslaughter laws have come into effect in Victoria. This means that employers could face criminal charges for deaths that occur in their workplace as a result of employer negligence. If convicted, an individual could face a maximum of...
The steps to change abrasive and bullying behaviours

The steps to change abrasive and bullying behaviours

A few years ago, I worked with a manager (let’s call him Bob) who was technically fantastic at his job, but not so good at people management. Bob liked control. When there was an issue to be sorted, it was his way or no way at all. Listening and collaboration...
Have we got workplace bullying investigations wrong?

Have we got workplace bullying investigations wrong?

One of the first steps we are told when there is a bullying allegation, whether in HR or as a general manager, is to investigate the matter. The message is to investigate, even if the employee doesn’t want it to be undertaken. That’s an understandable approach....
Can you remove a bully’s blinders?

Can you remove a bully’s blinders?

How can this be that he can’t see that his behaviour is causing problems? He humiliates his team members in meetings. His sharp responses, shut his team down. He has been known to shout abuse at individual employees. You have raised concerns with him to let him...