Bullying isn’t a personal issue: it’s a Workplace Health and Safety issue. The legal obligation for preventing and resolving it rests with your company or organisation.
But workplace bullying is a complex issue, which is why you need help.
Working Well Together is the workplace bullying specialist. We have specific, in-depth knowledge of workplace bullying legislation, and targeted expertise in the prevention, management, and resolution of workplace bullying. We will identify your workplace hazards, undertake solid risk assessments, and manage or eliminate the risks to prevent and eradicate workplace bullying, effectively and permanently.
Workplace bullying is serious and costly, and it requires nothing less than excellent, specialist care. That’s smart. That’s effective. That’s Working Well Together.
Workplace Bullying and Prevention Services
Workplace Bullying and Prevention Workshops
Our bullying workshops help you manage and prevent bullying behaviours. Based on our specialised knowledge and experience, we have developed a unique Bullying Early Intervention Framework that underpins our education. This framework is focused on helping you and your teams understand bullying and intervene early, thereby preventing its reoccurrence.
Boss Whispering Specialist Leadership Coaching
Abrasive or bullying leaders can be challenging to manage, leaving you at a loss at what you can do.
At Working Well Together, we have specialist coaching knowledge to help you resolve the challenge of abrasive leaders, creating better leaders and saving on related costs.
Workplace Bullying Support Program
As an Employer of Choice, you want to ensure that your employees are happy and supported. Our Workplace Bullying Support Program supports your company to build and maintain a mentally healthy workplace, one that is free from bullying. We help you navigate the journey to reach a positive resolution for everyone involved.
Working Well Together Insights and Articles
Adaptability and COVID19: Who should bear the cost of FWC anti-bullying orders?
The issue of costs relating to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) anti-bullying orders is not one we hear much about. However, like most other workplaces and systems, the FWC have had to adapt due to the incidence of COVID-19. One employer, as a result of their adaption...
When good employees become workplace bully negative advocates
Have you ever been in a workplace and there appears to be a mass of bullies or their supporters? How is it that there can be so many at the one time? Bill Eddy of the High Conflict Institute provides us with insight into this question and it's answer. He give us an...
Workplace Mental Health Compensation Claims Continue to Rise
The Australian Workers Compensation Report 2018-19 was released recently and it continues to report a trend we have seen across the last two decades in that mental health related workplace compensation claims continue to rise. Across the board, mental health claims...